Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Annual Rally

Our annual rally was held last Friday (5th June) in Stornoway Town Hall. There was an excellent attendance, exhibiting a strong show of support for the preservation of the Lord's Day in the community.

John Roberts, from Day One Christian Ministries, addressed the rally on the theme of Foundations, based on Paslm 11 verse 3: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" He spoke firstly of the foundation of law and order, established by God at creation. This is a foundation being chipped away at today, with evolutionists such as Richard Dawkins and Desmond Morris expressing the belief that life began with primeval slime. The ultimate result of this, said Mr Roberts, is a belief that you don't have to give account, whereas if you believe in an all-powerful Creator then you must accept that you are answerable to Him. If the foundation of law and order is destroyed the result is lawlessness; surely this is true of Britain in this generation.

The second foundation was the Sabbath. Mr Roberts spoke of its origin (the principle of 1 day's rest out of 7 set at creation), its authority (featuring as one of the ten commandments) and its purpose (to give human beings a rest for body and mind, and to wiorship God). Finally, Mr Roberts came to what every Sunday reminds us of: the greatest event in history - the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

So much for the foundations; what about an answer to the question, "what can the righteous do?". They can pray, especially gathering together for prayer. Christians "have a direct line to the Creator, and it should be a busy one." They must also remain faithful. The world's standards may be slipping, but we must strive to keep to God's high standards.

The address was complemented by superb psalm singing, ably led by Donald Martin.

We are encouraged by the attendance and by the tremendous donations made. We trust that the Lord will bless the meeting and that He will continue to help us in all that we do for His sake.

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